The LP Pitch for Investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures

Lolita Taub
6 min readFeb 6, 2023


This post will be written in the third person because that seems appropriate for a pitch to LPs about my fund Ganas Ventures. First, I’ll tell you a little bit about the general partner (me) and Ganas Ventures. Then, I’ll explain why LPs should consider investing in Ganas Ventures and end with extra benefits and contact details. Enjoy!

Source: Ganas Ventures

About Lolita Taub, GP at Ganas Ventures

Lolita Taub is a former sales operator, entrepreneur, and a venture capitalist who is the sole GP at Ganas Ventures. Thanks to a community-driven go-to-market approach, she sold $70M+ in tech products and services in the US. And it was in Silicon Valley that Lolita saw an opportunity to support and back the underestimated tech founder community that status quo VCs needed to be seeing. That led her to create the Startup-Investor Matching Tool (which has 1k+ investors, 4.4k+ early-stage startups, and has resulted in over 55 investments) to reduce the social capital gap faced by underestimated founders; and the largest underestimated founder, funder, and friend community (78K members strong and growing). Fast forward, Lolita has invested in over 90 companies as an angel investor and through prior funds such as The Community Fund (co-GP), Backstage Capital (principal), and Lightspeed Venture Partners (scout), and now invests in community-driven companies at Ganas Ventures. Forbes, Inc Magazine, Nasdaq and other major outlets have featured her as a woman promoting investment in underestimated founders.

🙋🏽‍♀️ Are you an accredited investor who wants to learn more about Ganas Ventures from Lolita herself? Schedule a call with Lolita here.

About Ganas Ventures

Ganas Ventures is a venture capital firm that focuses on pre-seed and seed stage community-driven companies in the US and Latin America. The firm’s business model involves identifying promising startups in the tech sector, providing them with funding and support, and helping them get to their next milestone.

Ganas Ventures has a diverse portfolio of investments, including companies in the future of work, creator economy, e-commerce, and fintech. Some of the firm’s current investments include: Around, Leadsales, Papaya, Masa, Shappi, and Latitud.

In addition to providing funding, Ganas Ventures also offers strategic guidance and support to its portfolio companies, helping them navigate the challenges of the early-stage community-driven startup landscape. The firm’s team of experienced professionals has a track record of helping companies on their journey to startup success.

📊 Are you an accredited investor who wants to dig into the details and get a behind-the-scenes look at Ganas Ventures? Check out our LP deck here.

The LP case for investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures

The case for investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures is strong for several reasons.

  1. Lolita Taub and her team have a proven track record of identifying and supporting successful startups. They have a deep understanding of leveraging community as a go-to-market strategy and are able to identify promising companies with potential for growth. This expertise, combined with their unique approach to investing and fostering growth in underrepresented founders and industries, means that they are well-positioned to identify and support high-potential startups that may not be on the radar of traditional venture capital firms.
  2. Ganas Ventures and Lolita have a strong community of over 78K+ founders, funders, and friends and collaborate with tech and venture capital entities like AllRaise, 500LATAM, Techstars, Notion, Crunchbase, and Cap Table Coalition. This means that Ganas is able to provide valuable resources and support to the companies they invest in through a built-in support system that includes but is not limited to the access to 150+ mentors, 70+ LPs/advisors, and 80+ perk partners. This support can be instrumental in helping startups achieve success and scale.
  3. Ganas Ventures has a strong potential of producing strong financial returns on LP investment. By investing in underrepresented founders and industries, they are able to access a larger pool of potential investments, increasing their chances of finding high-growth startups with the potential for strong returns. Additionally, their unique approach and community-driven expertise in supporting startups means that they are well-positioned to help these companies achieve success, leading to outsized financial returns for their investors.

🤔 Are you an accredited investor who wants to dig into the details of Ganas Ventures and speak with Lolita? Check out our LP deck here and schedule a call with Lolita here.

A recap and extra benefits of investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures

There are many possible benefits to investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures. One of the biggest benefits is having access to a diverse portfolio of high-potential startups. As an experienced venture capitalist and business operator, Lolita Taub has a track record of identifying innovative and promising startups and investing in them. Through Ganas Ventures, LPs have the opportunity to gain exposure to a wide range of startups across different industries and stages of growth. This diversification helps reduce risk and increases the potential for strong returns on investment.

In addition to the potential outsized financial benefits, investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures also supports and advances underrepresented founders and industries. Taub is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, and Ganas Ventures looks to invest in startups founded by women, people of color, and other underrepresented and underestimated groups. Supporting these founders and their companies can have a positive impact on the whole economy and help address the lack of diversity in the tech and VC world. By backing Ganas Ventures, LPs can help level the playing field and promote a more diverse and inclusive industry.

In conclusion, investing in Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures offers LPs access to a diverse and high-potential portfolio of startups, opportunities for potential outsized returns on investment, and a positive impact on supporting and advancing underrepresented founders and industries. Becoming an LP for Ganas Ventures can be a great investment for LPs looking to support diversity and inclusion while also earning outsized returns on their investment.

If you’re interested in learning more about Lolita Taub and Ganas Ventures and considering investing in our fund, check out our LP Deck and let us know here.

About Ganas Ventures: Ganas Ventures invests in pre-seed and seed community-driven startups in the US and Latin America. ​​To learn more visit us at

Disclaimer: The views above should not be taken as financial or legal advice. Please do your own research before making any financial and legal decisions.

About Lolita Taub: As a Latina emerging manager and general partner at Ganas Ventures, I always want to work with or invest in community-driven founders, funders, and friends. I have a strong track record with 15 years of experience in the Silicon Valley ecosystem. I have sold over $70 million in tech products and services, made over 90 investments as an angel investor and venture capitalist with Backstage Capital, Lightspeed, and The Community Fund, and had 3 successful exits from my portfolio.

Forbes, Inc Magazine, Nasdaq, and others acknowledge my efforts in advocating investment in underestimated and undervalued founders. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Southern California and earned my MBA from the IE Business School.

In addition to my professional accomplishments, I am a dedicated community builder with more than 78,000 founders, funders, and ecosystem friends. And I want to back founders who care about the community, invite LPs into the Ganas Ventures family, and build wealth in the community that will last for generations.



Lolita Taub

About investing in community-driven cos + supporting our underestimated founder/investor fam. @lolitataub